Ever since we put Natalie in a swing at the park for the first time, she has been addicted to swings. Whenever we walk through the neighborhood she keeps a close eye out for playsets in other yards and points enthusiastically at them while looking at us with those big, puppy dog eyes that say "Pleeease take me over there to swing."
Since I'm completely incapable of saying no to her, she now has a playset in her backyard so she can swing whenever she wants :-) Thanks to a couple of weekends of hard work and some serious help from friends and family we've built a playset that includes a swingset, slide, climbing wall, picnic table, and sandbox. It hasn't fallen over after the first few weeks, so things are looking good!
Natalie swings on it at least 2 or 3 times a day when she's at home, and she's loving it so far. I'm looking forward to when she's big enough to use the rest of the playset as well!