Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ball Pit v2

Natalie's ball pit was upgraded a few months ago, and she's been absolutely loving the new version. The upgrade comes with a ball pit, a place to climb, and even a slide! It takes up a ridiculous amount of space, but it's still worth it.

Natalie and all of her dolls have been down the slide dozens and dozens of times, and they've gotten pretty good at it. Eric's been down the slide a few times as well, but what he really likes is the ball pit itself. He still smiles ear to ear every time we put him in. Enjoy the pictures!

Friday, January 2, 2009

More stylin'

Natalie is on a kick where she likes to use Mom or Dad's computer to play online games for Dora, Max & Ruby, or Blue's Clues. She's learning how to use the keyboard and mouse, and hopefully her leap frog computer will help speed that along.

One time in December she had gotten herself all dressed up and decided it was time to play on Dad's computer. She also wanted to sit in the chair all by herself this time. She had her headband, sunglasses, necklace, Minnie Mouse purse, and christmas dress on as well, so she was looking good as she played Dora games.

She was looking so cute that I couldn't resist grabbing the camera. That works out for you guys too, because a picture is worth a thousand words when trying to describe it. See for yourself!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

First, we just want to wish you all a Happy New Year!

For New Year's eve we all went to a friend's house to hang out for a bit of a parents' party. With 8 kids running around it was a bit crazy, but it was good to see everyone and Natalie had a great time. We had a "ball drop" celebration at about 8:30 so the kids could participate in the festivities and then took the kids home to put them to bed before watching the real ball drop.

I'm still waiting on pictures of the party itself from some other folks, so in the meantime I'll just post a few cute pictures that I've been waiting for a chance to post :-) Enjoy, and have a GREAT 2009!