All the way back in September, Natalie got to take her first trip to King's Island. She wasn't quite tall enough to ride most of the kiddie rides by herself, but there are still plenty of rides that she can go on with us. She wasn't a huge fan of riding on the carousel, but she started to enjoy it when she got to sit in one of the seats instead of on the horses that go up and down. In fact, she hated it when we had to get off of the ride.

She rode a couple of other things, including a little airplane that went up and down. She was nervous the first few times it went into the air, but then she really started to enjoy it.
In the end, her favorite thing to do in the park (besides eating the ice cream) was to just run around in the huge open spaces. Since we were there on P&G day, there was plenty of room for her to just run around and she loved it. She also seems to enjoy pushing her stroller more than she likes riding in it.

We'll be back in the park plenty of times next summer, so we'll see how she likes the big girl rides. It had been quite a few years since Julie and I have been to kiddie land, but I have a feeling we're going to become pretty familiar with it in the coming years.