Christmas morning went very well in the Robinson household this year, with Natalie getting everything she asked for from Santa and then some. For the record, the items on Natalie's list to Santa were the following: 1. Pink and purple building blocks, 2. Drums, 3. A pink dress, 4. A magnifying glass, 5. A pink and purple jump rope. Word on the street is that Santa had a heck of a time tracking down a pink and purple jump rope, but he and the elves came through in the end. Natalie also got her first computer (a leap frog kids system), and quite a few other things. So far the big hit out of Santa's deliveries has been her Dora backpack, although the instruments that came with her drum are a close second.
Eric is thrilled with about anything he gets to play with as long as it's something he hasn't seen before. He got a few new books and toys as well and he seems pretty happy with all of them.
After hearing about how Christmas morning goes and thinking about it for days on end, Natalie was actually a little nervous on Christmas eve and Christmas morning. It turns out that she had the impression that Santa would bring the presents personally and still be in the house on Christmas morning. She likes him from a distance, but certainly doesn't really want to hang out with him in person. After some assurances from Mom and Dad she ended up having a great time with opening all of the presents.
There are a couple of pictures below. We actually don't have that many still shots from Christmas morning. It turns out that it's tough to take still shots while also videotaping the events and trying to help with opening presents. I'm sure we'll get the hang of it eventually!
More about the family events is yet to come, so stay tuned...
Check out my new roly thing! It makes a lot of noise and rolls around, but I still refuse to crawl and get it once it rolls away.

Look at my new backpack! It's just like Dora's!