Our website has been updated once again with new pictures of the little ones, new milestones, and even a new video clip of Eric! Go check it out when you get a chance. In the meantime, here are some new pictures of Eric for your enjoyment:
Natalie is really starting to enjoy bath time these days. It's getting to the point where we have to get her out of the tub because she's wrinkly from being in for so long. One of the reasons she's spending so much time in the tub these days are her little bathtub markers that she gets to make a mess with. Here are some pitctures of Natalie having fun in the tub!
Look at me, I'm having fun!:
Obligatory bare butt shot:
Markers are fun:
Your turn!
Hangin' out in my robe after getting all clean and shiny
We went back to Indianapolis to visit Grandpa Steve over Father's Day weekend and we all had a great time! The weather was great and we all got the chance to hop into the pool for a bit. Natalie and Eric got plenty of time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Emily, and Aunt Rachel, and a good time was had by all. We also had steak for dinner, which was absolutely awesome. Hard to beat that!
Here are a few pictures of the dads:
Some pictures of everyone else hanging out:
And some pictures of Natalie and Grandpa in the pool!
Eric recently went to the doctor for his two-month checkup, and he appears to be following in his sister's footsteps as far as growing quickly goes. At two months he weighs 14.5 pounds and he's 25 inches long! That's up from 7 pounds and 21 inches at birth and it puts him at the 97th percentile for both, although that doesn't necessarily mean too much at two months old. He also got his first two shots, which he was absolutely thrilled with.
Here are some extra pictures of our growing boy!
The doctor said I'm thiiiiiiis tall. Stop... Hammer time!
Natalie has been enjoying bubbles a lot lately, so we've decided to take it to the next level. Natalie now has a bubble machine, and so far it's worked pretty well. The box claims that the machine spits out 4000 bubbles per minute. When you're in Walmart reading that on a toy box it's one of those stats you don't really believe or pay much attention to, but after watching this thing in action I definitely believe it.
It's nice having the machine to produce the bubbles instead of trying to make a few at a time with the little bubble stick and getting all slimy from the bubble soap. Totally worth $10, especially when you get to watch Natalie chase hundreds of bubbles around. It's lots of fun for everyone!
We take our responsibilities as parents very seriously, and we're doing our best to make sure that Natalie and Eric learn the important things in life. So once Natalie became old enough we made sure to teach her one of life's important lessons... how to properly eat an Oreo cookie!
As you can see she is a quick learner. She is so good at it that I have no doubt she would eat the entire bag of cookies if we let her. She's getting pretty good at dipping the cookie halves into her milk and eating them without making too big of a mess, and she absolutely loves the process. The funny thing is that she still won't drink the milk after she has dipped the cookies into it because it has "crumbs." If there are crumbs on her food, in her drink, on the floor, or (god help us) actually on her hands or arms, it's a situation that must be remedied immediately!
Eric and Natalie continue to attract visitors, so we do our best to hide all of the toys in a closet somewhere and then cross our fingers and hope they don't come bursting out while our visitors are around.
Within the last week or so both Great Uncle Sam and Aunt Emily have visited to say hi to Eric and Natalie. Natalie loves playing with Aunt Emily when she visits, and Uncle Sam got to say hi to Eric for the first time and watch Natalie go down the slide out back about 50 times in a row.
It's been pretty hot lately, so over the weekend we pulled out the pool and filled it with ridiculously cold hose water. Natalie once again proved that she is impervious to the cold, and jumped right in. As you can see, she had a great time. We're hoping that the pool will help get her used to the water again so that she'll actually play in the water park while she's at daycare. The first couple of times her class has gone out to the little water park at her daycare, she's pretty much just watched the other kids play in the water and go down the slides. She eventually started playing in it last year, so we're optimistic for this summer.
We're behind by about 20 posts, so hopefully we'll get around to posting a few this week. I guess we'll see!