I still have a bunch of pictures saved up from early January, so the next couple of posts will be to share those so you can see the kids playing with their toys from Christmas.
Here's a couple of shots of Eric exploring the Christmas tree:
Here's Eric raining down destruction on the poor barn animals in his new barnyard.
Natalie loves it when one of her friends gets to come over and play, and a while back she got to play with Maddie during the weekend. They both had an absolute blast. Their favorite toy ended up being the carts, which they tossed their dolls into and pushed around for quite a while. Natalie and Maddie also spent a while showing off their artistic sides by drawing on the art table. Enjoy the pics!
Well, the longer I wait to post these the more embarrassing it gets, so I'll just post the pictures now :-) At the end of January we got a bunch of snow, so Eric and Natalie went outside and played with the kids next door. This was Eric's first time really playing in the snow, and he had a pretty good time. He also looked super cute in his winter coat and hat.
Natalie had a great time as well. we threw a few snowballs, rode the sleds down the hill, and she even gave her dolls a ride in the sled!
Natalie had a second birthday party, this time with the Flannerys, and she once again had a wonderful time. She also got to have a smaller party on her actual birthday. Not too bad of a deal at all!
Here's Natalie reminding everyone how old she is, and enjoying her cupcakes.
Check out the coooooool Dora cake. It's even purple!
Eric enjoyed the cupcakes as well.
New water color paints to expand Natalie's artistic side and our carpet cleaning abilities.
A cool new airplane toy from Uncle Brian that Eric loves to watch.
Hmm... Where to begin? Now that it's been almost two months since we've posted a blog entry, there is so much to talk about! Let's start with the fact that Natalie turned 3 way back on February 6th. Our lucky little girl got to have two birthday parties too. We went to Indianapolis a little early to celebrate both Natalie and Aunt Emily's birthdays (Happy Birthday Emily!) and had a great time. I'll post the pictures from that trip here and I'll post the pictures of the second party tomorrow.
There was definitely a princess theme to the party at Grandma Ginny's.
Then there was a fun game of pin the flower on the... flower. This is a slightly less demented version of pin the tail on the donkey.
Look! A new princess bike!
Everyone had a great time! Happy Birthday to Aunt Emily as well!