August 1st was Grandma Ginny's birthday (Happy Birthday Grandma!), and we went back to Indianapolis for some swimming and a big birthday party. The kids got to see their aunts and uncles and swim with Grandma and Grandpa since the weather was great.
Grandma and Grandpa also took us downtown for a picnic and a ride along the canal. All six of us took a ride in a large, hard-to-maneuver bike with brakes that theoretically did stop the bike... after about 45 yards. It was actually very fun and we managed not to kill anyone, so that's a bonus.
Here's a picture of us eating our picnic lunch. You can see Natalie talking philosophy with Grandpa, and Eric giving Mom a taste of his yummy food.

And here are some shots of Mom and Eric taking a walk through the park.

And here are a couple shots of us on our mega-bike.

Thanks for the great weekend Grandma and Grandpa Robinson!