We just had the kids' pictures taken again recently and I thought you might like seeing a few of the shots. We got some good shots this time around. If you're reading this you're also likely to be on the list of people who will get some actual pictures in the mail as well. Enjoy!
We spent Easter morning in Indianapolis with Grandma and Grandpa Robinson, and luckily the Easter Bunny was able to find us there and leave a few surprises. Natalie really enjoyed the clipboard along with the new markers and pens she got. She likes using a clipboard because that's what her teachers at school always use.
Eric got a few new cars, a few new planes, and some new dinosaurs to play with so he was pretty busy all morning as well.
Then it was time for the easter egg hunt! There were lots of fun surprises to be found in the eggs we found lying around the yard. Natalie and Eric both had a great time hunting down the eggs and cracking them open!
We also got a chance to do a second hunt back at Grandma Carol's in Cincinnati. It was a busy day for sure!
Eric had a pretty good day on his birthday as well. He spent much of the morning at a neat train place we have near our house. It's kinda like a Children's Museum with a train theme, and Eric definitely enjoys the train toys.
After playing outside a bit in the afternoon it was time to have a party with Grandma and Grandpa Flannery. They came over and Eric got a look at his ice cream cake, which he was pretty pumped about. After a quick birthday song everyone dug in. Mmmm... ice cream cake.
After the cake it was time for presents. Natalie was definitely willing to help Eric out :-) One big highlight was the new car that Eric got. As you can see, Dad had plenty of help putting the thing together. Eric even decided to test out the car while it was only half assembled.
Another highlight was the new Thomas train set that Eric got. Lots of choo-chooing going on around here lately.
Perhaps the most popular toy of the evening was of course the big box that the car came in. Both Natalie and Eric had a great time with it. Perhaps for Christmas Santa should just shop at the empty box store?
Last week we went home and celebrated Eric's birthday in Indianapolis. The whole crew was there including Aunt Rachel, Uncle Nick, Aunt Emily, and Uncle John. Thanks for throwing a great party Grandma and Grandpa!
Grandma Ginny got a really cool dinosaur cake! Eric was also showing everyone how old he is, but since he still has trouble holding up just two fingers on one hand, he uses both hands to get the message across.
Then it was time to open some presents! Eric enjoyed working with Aunt Rachel to open all of his presents. He got lots of cool stuff including his very own rocker and a Thomas the Train bubble machine.
We also celebrated Uncle Nick's 30th birthday! Welcome to the club old man. Here's a shot of the birthday boys hangin' out.
Uncle John was there, and he definitely approved of... something.
Natalie had a great time at the party as well!
And if there's one thing we learned from our trip, it's that Aunt Rachel loves it when I take her picture :-)