We got to play a few video games together. Here's Julie and Rachel trying to make their way through the new Super Mario game.
Meanwhile, Grandpa Steve was hanging out with the kids.
We also had a yummy pretzel sandwich for dinner. Aunt Rachel was hungry :-)
Then it was time for cake and ice cream!
Then finally it was time to open presents. Eric was eager to help however he could.
And then of course there was some time to play with the new toys. The new tent was a big hit.
Eric always enjoys the balloons.
Natalie also loves her new crawling doll, now named Ellie.
She was also showing off her drawing skills and showing Aunt Emily how she can write the alphabet.
And the traditional pin the crown on Ariel game.
And she even played with Aunt Rachel and Uncle Nick.
Thanks for coming everyone!
I am so sure you have 2 pictures of me with my tongue sticking out. I'm going to start capturing crappy pictures of you to share on my blog! This will be fun!
You don't want to start that. Now that we have the new camera we just take hundreds of pictures for no reason at all! I just couldn't help it. I had to put the one on there of you in the kitchen holding your stomach with your tongue out while you grabbed some food :-) Too funny!
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